Legend has it that Helenium first grew on ground watered with the tears of Helen of Troy. The backbone of the late season garden, they send out branching stems covered with red, yellow, orange and bronze daisy-like flowers that have sculpted conical centers and fringed satiny petals. In areas of high wind or heavy rain, the stout stalks may need support.

If razzle-dazzle is what you are looking for consider trying this festive AGM winner. Tidy, tapered green leaves and tall brawny stems hoist a bright celebration of multihued deep red flowers with gold and coffee-colored central knobs. Shortly after unfurling, the-perfect-for-cutting blooms manifest sparkling orange and sunny yellow streaks, each blossom unique in its pattern and combination of shades. Crocosmia "Lucifer" and Aconitum "Arendesii" make equally vibrant companions.
Blooms July–September
Size: 2-1/2' – 3' 0" high x 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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Other selections in this genus:
- Helenium autumnale ‘Helena Gold’
- Helenium bigelovii ‘The Bishop’
- Helenium ‘Butterpat’
- Helenium ‘Chelsey’
- Helenium ‘Coppelia’
- Helenium ‘Flammendes Käthchen’
- Helenium hoopesii
- Helenium ‘Kanaria’
- Helenium ‘Moerheim Beauty’
- Helenium ‘Potters Wheel’
- Helenium ‘Red Jewel’
- Helenium ‘Rotgold’
- Helenium ‘Rubinzwerg’
- Helenium ‘Waltraut’
- Helenium ‘Zimbelstern’