Kings Lily

Formosa Lily
Embracing the history of many countries, Liliums are named after a Celtic word that means whiteness, and according to an age-old Christian legend, the first Lily “sprang from the tears of Eve as she went from Eden.” The species we offer are easily grown in just about any garden of Eden with well-drained soil and a sunny spot. Excellent as cut flowers, Lilies should be picked as soon as they open. In the fall, you can cut the stems back after the foliage turns brown, which allows the bulbs to store up much-needed nourishment.
Each 11.50

More than a hundred years ago, the revered plant collector, E. H. Wilson happened upon droves of this aptly named Chinense native of western Szechwan, and was instantly smitten by its sheer beauty and “delicious perfume”.
White trumpet-shaped flowers showcase canary yellow throats, golden anthers and flipsides flushed with a deep mauve. The 5 in. wide and 6 in. long blossoms, numbering as many as 20 per stem, surmount gray-green stalks and lustrous spaced leaves.
The unrivaled Regal Lily has it all—it’s one of the first fragrant lilies to bloom and among the most heavenly scented, is vigorous, yet poised and is easy to grow.
Blooms July – August.
Size: 3' 0" – 5' 0" high x 12" – 15" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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