Hardy Begonia
These stellar perennial selections promote good-looking deciduous foliage and captivating clusters of colorful dangling blooms. Filtered shade, rich fast-draining soil that stays moist but not water logged, and a layer of mulch for winter protection ensure their well-being.
Begonia grandis ‘Herons Pirouette’ (P-1643)
Each 11.75

Though the polished triangular foliage resembles the species, it was the masses of deep pink, nearly 12 in. long flower clusters, pirouetting with a dancer’s grace that caught Dan Hinkley’s keen eye during a 1997 Japanese expedition. Draped on slender pendulous stems, the richly hued flowers, highlighted by lavender accents, deliver a splendid nonstop performance from June until fall; later warm pink seed heads provide a midautumn encore. This delicate-looking Begonia is an excellent choice for a container or for massing as a bedding plant.
Blooms June–October
Size: 15" high x 15" wide.
Hardy to zone 6.
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