Lily of the Nile
Seducing gardeners and hummingbirds, Agapanthus hails from South Africa and procures its name from the Greek words agape and anthos meaning ‘love flower.’ Well-draining, not-too-rich, loamy soil, afternoon shade where it’s hot and protection from cold winter nights ensure a happy specimen that even obliges an occasional dry period once established.
Agapanthus ‘Lilliput’ (P-1602)
Each 14.00

A glossy green fountain of low growing, straplike evergreen foliage offers up loosely arranged round umbels, which unfurl like exploding fireworks, atop sturdy leafless stalks. Violet anthers and deep purple stems augment the cool dark blue, tubular flowers. Well-suited for a container or the front lines of a bed amid silver-leafed plants, small-statured ‘Lilliput’ thrives in well draining, not-too-rich, loamy soils, withstanding some dry periods once established. It appreciates afternoon shade where it’s hot and winter protection from the cold.
Blooms July – September.
Size: 2' 0" high x 18" wide.
Zone 7/8.
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