Poor Man’s Rhododendron

From a genus comprised of hundreds of species, the following easily grown shade lovers offer both foliar and floral interest. Impatiens omeiana is surprisingly hardy, while the other selections are quite tender; all look compelling in either a pot or a garden bed.
Impatiens sodenii ‘Flash’ (P-1523)
Each 11.25

Impatiens aficionado, Derick Pitman developed this new, easygoing enchantress. Brushed with pink painterly strokes radiating from each center, shapely, 3 in. snow-white blooms are poised above polished green leaves. A perennial in warm climates, an annual in cold areas and a made-in-heaven match for a container, self-sowing ‘Flash’ can be shown off in bright shade where its multibranched, semisucculent stems are quick to fill out.
Blooms May – October.
Size: 4' 0" – 5' 0" high x 3' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 10.
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