False Indigo
Distinguished by their stately postures, these long-lived Legume family members grow wild in the eastern and southern regions of this country. A handsome mass of leaflets grouped in threes and erect, branching stems produce showy spires adorned with small, sweet-pea-like blooms. Easily cultivated in well-drained sites, Baptisias tolerate poor, sandy soil and some drought, but resent having their roots disturbed.
Baptisia x variicolor ‘Twilite’ (P-1439)
Each 11.75

Hosting roughly 100 bicolored flowering stems in just 3 years time, this Dr. Jim Ault cross between australis and spaerocarpa exudes vitality galore. The appealing bushy blue-green pedestal shoulders 32 in. tall spikes studded with umpteen dark coppery-purple blooms enhanced by lemon-yellow keels. Marvelous in bud with bright green calyxes and buttery tips, and later infused with violet as the blossoms age, ‘Twilite’s unique floral hues make a toasty counterpoint to its cool-toned foliage that looks neat all season. (PPAF)
Blooms late May–June
Size: 3' 0" – 5' 0" high x 4' 0" – 5' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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