Devils Bit

Devil’s Bit
Succisella inflexa ‘Frosted Pearls’ (P-1346)
Each 11.25

The cultivar name of this Jelitto Seeds’ introduction aptly denotes the flurry of snow-white Knautia-like spheres that are infused with the softest icy-blue glow. What evoked Devil’s Bit remains a mystery. Prolific pink-hued buds and sprightly flowers make a carefree presentation on thin branching stems above a tidy, long-lived bushy clump described by spatulate dark green leaves. Counting Cephalaria and Morina as perennial kin, ‘Frosted Pearls’ can be associated with ornamental grasses in the border or a more wild setting, while its marvelous flowers can enhance your next bouquet.
Blooms June–September
Size: 2-1/2' high x 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
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