Fairy Bells

Fairy Bells

With a cultivar name that honors where it originated, Heronswood Nursery, and perhaps alludes to the majestic Black-Crowned Night Heron, this woodland treasure unfurls tall bamboo-style stalks and magnificent midnight-purple leaves. The polished evergreen clumps possess a straight-up, dignified and dark presence, offsetting spring’s myriad greenery. Deciduous in cooler climates, the foliage lines decorative stems marked by golden-tan paper-like bracts at each node, and lightens to a greenish purple when summer arrives. In graceful repose, the tips bow, revealing terminal clusters of small creamy-white bells, and later, abundant purple-black berries. A lover of rich moist locations, ‘Night Heron’ is easy to cultivate, gives its best show en masse and looks refined against Rodgersia aesculifolia’s broad foliage.
Blooms April–July
Size: 4' 0" – 5' 0" high x 3' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
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