Pineapple Lily
A phenomenal display from a wondrous bulb, Eucomis belongs to the Lily family and calls tropical southern Africa its home. While its bold architectural lines beg a prominent spot in the ground or in a container, Pineapple Lily prefers warm, sunny nooks with mulched, well drained soil, and protection from excessive winter cold and moisture.

The sumptuous burgundy-red, semierect rosette of strapping, waxy leaves appears more green as the weather warms. Crowned by a pineapple-like cluster of leaves, densely set starry flowers envelope thick, cylindrical maroon spikes. The purple blossoms display unique greenish tones, and add dramatic, long lasting highlights to arrangements. Showy persistent seed capsules follow.
Blooms late July–September.
Size: 2' 0" – 2-1/2' high x 2-1/2' – 3' 0" wide.
Zone 7/8.
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