Pineapple Lily
A phenomenal display from a wondrous bulb, Eucomis belongs to the Lily family and calls tropical southern Africa its home. While its bold architectural lines beg a prominent spot in the ground or in a container, Pineapple Lily prefers warm, sunny nooks with mulched, well drained soil, and protection from excessive winter cold and moisture.

Welcome the Queen of Green! Succulent, waxed and wave-edged green leaves, sturdy green stalks, and a magnificent cluster of wide-open, bright green blooms blushed slightly with pink, are followed by a display of greenish fruits. Her genus name means “beautifully headed” and it describes the unusual leaf tuft that surmounts the cylindrical flower spike. Perhaps the tallest in her lineage, we suggest grouping several Eucomis together where people will linger so the distinctive flowers can be readily enjoyed.
Blooms July–October.
Size: 4' 0" – 5' 0" high x 3' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 8.
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