Ornamental Onion
Our selections are embellished versions of the common culinary bulbs. Prospering in a sunny well-drained site, these pest-resistant Alliums add flair to the garden, your favorite container and a fresh or dried arrangement.

Arising from narrow grassy leaves, the tall and upright, slender stems present sumptuous thickset globes in blazon crimson-purple hues. An intriguing bicolor effect is created as green buds slowly open from the bottom up. Prized by bumblebees, the long lasting, 2 in. wide blooms assure a breathtaking summer spectacle en masse with swaths of Echinops ‘Blue Glow’ and Monarda ‘Violet Queen’ interspersed.
Blooms July–August.
Size: 2' 0" – 2-1/2' high x 5" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
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