Goat's Beard
When you think of the fringes of a wooded area, think Aruncus. With delicate ivory plumes that make sterling cut flowers, Goat’s Beard is similar to Astilbe, although its sprightly form is more open. A natural beside a pool or stream, this trouble-free perennial favors moist soil, but can handle drier situations and some wind.
Aruncus aethusifolius (P-0995)
Each 10.25

Topped by creamy white plumes of minute star-like flowers, fine ultra-chiseled foliage and red-tinged stems shape a tidy dwarf habit that works well as a ground cover around flat stones and rocks. This small gem can also be tucked into the front of the border with broad-leafed Epimediums nearby.
Blooms late May–mid-June
Size: 8" high x 12" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
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