Tall Tickseed

The Coreopsis we offer are perennials. They share some characteristics with their annual cousins: they are dependable, easy to work with, and make a quick impact. Though they often play a supporting role, Coreopsis are performers you’ll remember when the show’s over, for foliage as much as for stellar flowers.

This lofty North American native yields a sea of dark-centered yellow daisies dancing atop strong, upright stems, which branch high up and impart an airy stature. Tall Tickseed is easy to grow and is most at home in a meadowlike setting, juxtaposed with the blue blades of Panicum ‘Cloud Nine’ and purple flowered Aster turbinellus.
Blooms August–September.
Size: 7' 0" high x 2' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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