Imparting a strong sculptural presence, these selections are 3-year biennials that thrive in moderately moist well-drained spots. If you cut the blooms before the seed sets, you might be rewarded with flowers for 3 or even 4 years.
Each 10.25

The sizable rounded mound of this Angelica‘s lustrous dark green foliage looks like a parsley plant on steroids. Endemic to New Zealand, its copious deeply fingered leaves offer handsome deer resistant support to the fanciful and fragrant snowy umbels that crown strong stalks. Growing as an undemanding somewhat short-lived perennial, but offering up seedlings as a consolation, Angelica pachycarpa‘s bold leaves bring fantastic architecture to a good-sized con- tainer or the border, especially when grouped with Actaea, ‘Brunette’ or Anthriscus ‘Ravenswing’.
Blooms April–June
Size: 3' 0" high x 3' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
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