Star of Persia

Ornamental Onion
Our selections are embellished versions of the common culinary bulbs. Prospering in a sunny well-drained site, these pest-resistant Alliums add flair to the garden, your favorite container and a fresh or dried arrangement.
Each 10.00

As the strap-like leaves die off, Allium christophii sends up stout stems topped by sculptural blossoms. The spherical heads, an airy array of delicate amethyst stars, span nearly 10 in., and are almost too big and too beautiful to be real. Breathtaking in borders and bouquets, Star of Persia’s fawn-colored seed heads dry perfectly. Plant a drift in a well-drained spot and surround with the enduring leafy foliage of Geranium ‘Buxton’s Variety’. This Allium withstands both deer and rodents in our garden.
Blooms June
Size: 2' 0" high x 8" – 10" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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