African/Flag Lily
These South African evergreen bulbs promise to ease the sadness that comes at summer’s end by offering a burst of fresh autumn color.
Schizostylis coccinea ‘Zeal Salmon’ (P-0555)
Each 10.75

This South African Iris relative splashes lusty deep salmon-pink hues upon the late season garden. Springing from rhizomatous roots, grassy leafed blades present slender spikes garnished with narrow pointed buds plus satiny, cup-shaped Gladiola-like blooms, which open wider as the day progresses. ‘Zeal Salmon’ is exemplary atop a stone wall, along stairs, near the front of the border or in a container where it prefers evenly moist fertile soil.
Blooms September–October
Size: 15" high x 10" wide.
Hardy to zone 6.
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