Pin-Cushion Flower

Prized by gardeners and pollinators for their bounty of endearing pincushion-like blooms that unfurl from spring ’til frost, our Scabiosa offerings tout a trouble-free habit with fetching finely-divided foliage that thwarts deer and enjoys fertile, somewhat limy, well-drained niches.
Each 10.75

With charm to sway, this undemanding Scabiosa celebrates a seemingly endless supply of pincushion-style flowers in hushed lemon shades. Finely dissected gray-green foliage furnishes a tasteful, soft-looking tuft from which wiry branched stems arise. A first-rate cut flower, the carefree display is heightened by intriguing etched green buds, and happily lends itself to a cottage garden or a more natural setting.
Blooms July–September
Size: 2-1/2' high x 3' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
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