These increasingly popular South African perennials are good-looking, vigorous and quick to fill out. The long blooming cloud of pink to peach to lavender-colored flowers make these gracefully spreading plants perfect for containers.
Diascia ‘Langthorns Lavender’ (P-0354)
Each 10.25

Rosy purple masses of small comely blossoms and linear narrow green leaves set this low growing charmer apart from the more commonly known pink and apricot blooming Diascias. ‘Langthorn’s Lavender’s diminutive form can be tucked along the front of the border or into a crevice, where its perky summer-long floral parade, riding atop upright stems, makes a delightful color echo with the plumes of Astilbe c. ‘Pumila’.
Blooms June–October
Size: 8" – 12" high x 12" wide.
Hardy to zone 8.
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