From the Latin abigo, to drive away, Ajuga was thought to drive away disease. To some of us that disease is winter; the remedy is Bugleweed, herald of spring, with its clear blue, white or pink flowers. The crisp, crinkled foliage hugs the ground for a quick-spreading, evergreen carpet. Use Ajuga en masse under a high canopy, or to soften the hard edges of walls and paving. A moisture-retentive soil is recommended.

It’s not a cereal advertised on MTV, but a curious combination of metallically reflective, scrunchy purple leaves, and spikes of deep blue flowers. This one is a sound choice for tight situations, between stepping stones or in a woodland setting. A good ground cover with Viburnums.
Blooms March–early June
Size: 6" high x 12" & spreading wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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