Originating from the Latin word for stalk or stem, the genus Festuca is comprised of approximately 300 cool season perennial species. The following selections highlight natty fine textured tufts, which appreciate well-drained sites and a division every couple of years, while pouting in hot humid weather.
Festuca ssp. ‘Eilers Beauty™’ (G-0596)
Each 12.25

We have nurseryman and botanist Henry Eilers to thank for this adaptable good-looking toughie that he chanced upon in Turkey. The arching, ever-so-fine matte-green foliage supports a showy array of lanky tail-like sand-colored blooms atop firm red-suffused stalks. Most likely of Festuca ovina parentage, ‘Eilers Beauty’ lends an inviting aspect to mixed borders or more relaxed plantings, where it can accompany Euphorbia ‘Blue Haze’ and Helianthemum ‘Fire Dragon’, while tackling both heat and dry shade.
Blooms May–June
Size: 20" high x 20" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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