Atlas Fescue
Originating from the Latin word for stalk or stem, the genus Festuca is comprised of approximately 300 cool season perennial species. The following selections highlight natty fine textured tufts, which appreciate well-drained sites and a division every couple of years, while pouting in hot humid weather.
Indigenous to Morocco’s Atlas Mountains, this long-lived cold-hardy grass sprouts an elegantly arching fountain distinguished by dapper khaki-tinged gray-green blades. Taller than most Festucas, Atlas is reputed to be one of the finest large area ground covers, proving essential for mass plantings on slopes, in mixed borders or natural-style meadows. Evergreen where winters are mild and remarkably drought tolerant, its reliable good-looking mound relishes occasional waterings and doesn’t require a trim, only a little raking.
Blooms June
Size: 2' 0" – 3' 0" high x 2' 0" – 3' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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