Originating from the Latin word for stalk or stem, the genus Festuca is comprised of approximately 300 cool season perennial species. The following selections highlight natty fine textured tufts, which appreciate well-drained sites and a division every couple of years, while pouting in hot humid weather.
Festuca amethystina ‘Superba’ (G-0527)
Each 12.25

An inhabitant of central Europe, this finespun grass is practically peerless among Festucas. Soft silver-blue blades with rolled edges shape a well-groomed glaucous mound. Extending above evergreen clumping foliage, quantities of relaxed narrow stems generate vivid heliotrope shades paired with amber-hued flower spikes for more than a month. ‘Superba’ can serve as a dynamic small-scale specimen sprinkled above a stone wall or throughout the rockery, where it favors an annual early spring trimming and its stunning color always beckons.
Blooms mid May–mid July
Size: 18" – 2' 0" high x 2' 0" – 2-1/2' wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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