Golden Tufted Hair Grass

Tufted Hair Grass
An easily grown, durable cool season grass, Deschampsias hail from the temperate regions of North America, Europe and eastern Asia. Wispy seed heads stretch in airy fans above finely-cut deep green tufted clumps, lending a delicate hazy quality that is put to best effect by planting en masse against a dark or solid backdrop. They can enhance woodland peripheries, moist meadows and perennial borders plus fresh or dried arrangements.
Deschampsia cespitosa ‘Tardiflora’ (G-0526)
Each 11.75

This Karl Foerster innovation boasts small dreamy looking inflorescences, whose wide airy consortium sparkles in gold, silver and purplish shades. Topping abundant flowing panicles, they appear later than the species, mature to an amber color and linger most of the winter. Arching close-knit narrow blades, edged by in-rolled margins, compose the low growing emerald green tussock that makes a tidy verdant companion for Eryngium bourgatii and Aster asperulus.
Blooms July–December
Size: 2' 0" – 3' 0" high x 2' 0" – 3' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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