Blue Bunchgrass

Originating from the Latin word for stalk or stem, the genus Festuca is comprised of approximately 300 cool season perennial species. The following selections highlight natty fine textured tufts, which appreciate well-drained sites and a division every couple of years, while pouting in hot humid weather.
Festuca idahoensis ‘Stony Creek’ (G-0488)
Each 12.25

Not only beautifully blue, but hard-working to boot, this water wise perennial grass is a California native from Del Norte County. A thick, tidy hummock of very thin, chalk blue blades sends up slender, wandlike stems holding graceful, airy golden sprays.
Hallmarked by a composed appearance, ‘Stony Creek’ is most impressive and enduring in large drifts on banks or hillsides, where it aids erosion control, resists those pesky deer, doesn’t falter in full sun even inland, and prefers some afternoon shade.
Blooms April–June
Size: 2' 0" – 2-1/2' high x 2' 0" wide.
Zone 7/8.
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