Broad Leafed Cotton Grass

Eriophorum latifolium (G-0476)
Each 11.75

Greek for “wool bearing,” the genus name alludes to the light-as-a-feather, white cloud-like blooms of this wet marshlands dweller from the British Isles and Eurasia. The dense cotton balls dreamily float some 12 to 18 in. above a handsome clump of light green, finely textured foliage. Described by numerous thin bristles that extend beyond the flower spikelets, the unique inflorescences make bright, fluffy additions to dried arrangements, and later evolve into wispy nodding tufts. Thriving in moist soils yet sulking in hot, dry conditions, Cotton Grass is most effective en masse in a naturalized setting or by water’s edge intermingled with Euphorbia ‘Great Dixter’s warm accents.
Blooms April–June
Size: 2-1/4' high x 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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