Giant Feather Grass

The species of this widely distributed genus of cool season grasses are evergreen in milder climates. All are clump forming and most relish well-drained soil and low humidity. Perfect for cut arrangements, the flowers shimmer in morning and end-of-the-day light, and in the breezes of any hour.

Native to Africa and southwestern Europe, this magnificent grass hoists 7 ft. tall, bamboo-like jointed stalks crowned with airy 10 in. panicles of oat-like flowers that emerge as purple-on-green, then ripen to pale metallic gold. The unforgettable floral display continues all fall above a dense fluid-looking 2 ft. hummock defined by tidy narrow green blades. Position Giant Feather Grass so it can be backlit, and a stunning effect is yours for the viewing.
Blooms June–November
Size: 6' 0" – 7' 0" high x 4' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 7.
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