Harts Tongue Fern
Asplenium scolopendrium (F-0034)
Each 12.00
Noteworthy for its fantastic tropical-style habit, this evergreen AGM recipient sports dense, lustrous bright green rosettes of upright-arching, strap-shaped fronds with wavy, undivided margins. Harts Tongue Fern can grace borders, cottage gardens, urban courtyards, shrub understory plantings and woodland venues, asserting a bold verdurous aspect year round. Especailly effective when featured amongst fine-hewn shade lovers such as Dicentra Gold Heart and Aruncus aethusifolius, Asplenium appreciates superb drainage, adequate moisture and dappled light, while extra humus and limestone-rich soil sustain its pest-free good looks.
Size: 12" – 18" high x 12" – 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
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