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Lamb's Ear

The genus Stachys is like one of those families where every member is exceptional for something different—one bold, another soft, the next strong or perfectly smart—and they all get along with just about everybody. Diverse, sturdy, dependable, calling them mere ground covers is an understatement. Indispensable is more ac­curate.

<i>Stachys byzantina</i> ‘Helen von Stein’ <i>Stachys byzantina</i> ‘Helen von Stein’

As soft as velvet, supple as suede, this Stachys has leaves so much like lamb’s ears they could twitch at flies! The palest silver, its foliage is broad (2-½ in. wide) with a finely serrated margin, and is a delight with Allium christophii.

Blooms July–September.

Size: 8" high x 3' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

<i>Stachys byzantina</i> ‘Primrose Heron’

This unique Lamb’s Ear yields golden flanneled leaves that will enhance your garden with a cozy glow in light shade. Pulmonaria ‘Benediction’ and Geranium phaem ‘Walküre’ are worthy companions.

Blooms June–July.

Size: 8" high x 2-1/2' wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

Stachys byzantina ‘Silky Fleece’ (P-1404)

Each $11.50


As soft as velvet, supple as suede, this truly dwarf Stachys has small fuzzy leaves so much like lamb’s ears they could twitch at flies! The tantalizing foliage is the palest silver color and forms a low dense cushion for endearing spires of tiny, red-tinged lilac flowers. A recent Jelitto Seeds introduction, sun-loving ‘Silky Fleece’ easily mingles with many different plants and can be tucked into a rock garden or used as an edger.

Blooms July–August

Size: 10" high x 10" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

Stachys byzantina ‘Silver Carpet’ (P-0137)

Each $11.25


Introduced by Norfolk’s W. Cunningham & Son Nursery, this fast-spreading velvet-soft carpet is beloved for its close-set woolly silver-gray leaves that remain evergreen in warmer areas. Casting plush luminous accents beneath roses, along border edges, amongst rocks and in between pavers, the valiant, ground cover-like habit seldom flowers, suppresses weeds and appreciates afternoon shade plus good drainage. ‘Silver Carpet’ endures shallow rocky soil, pollution, black walnuts, dry conditions and deer as well as rabbits, yet detests hot humid weather.

Size: 4" high x 12" – 18" wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

Poised on sturdy, curving stems, the showy terminal spikes host pretty pink tubular flowers and green calyxes arranged in evenly spaced whorls. Scalloped lance-like foliage forms an appealing, dark green leafy mound, some 20 in. below the long lasting blooms. Matched with Achillea ‘Hella Glashoff’ and Aster asperlus, this well-favored Stachys graces the edge of our pathway.

Blooms July–mid-October.

Size: 2-1/4' high x 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

<i>Stachys maxima</i>

All summer long you can enjoy this versatile plant’s 3 in. dark rosy purple flowers held upright on short stalks. In the front of the border, a tight assemblage of green, scalloped leaves creates a crisp, tidy look that can be even further heightened by planting it alongside Stachys ‘Primrose Heron’ and Kniphofia ‘Vanilla’.

Blooms June–September.

Size: 10" – 12" high x 18" wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

A small-scale South African native, this adorable, seldom offered Stachys parades extraordinary quantities of fancy, 2-lipped tubular rosy-purple blooms squeezed onto short chubby spires. Lustrous mint-green leaves define the neat crimpled rosette that arises from slow spreading rhizomes. Second-to-none for forming a ground-hugging cover or festooning a patio container, Stachys minima detests hot humid weather, looks best when massed and delights butterflies, but not deer or rabbits.

Blooms June–July

Size: 5" – 8" high x 8" – 12" wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

Painted in plush, deep fuchsia shades, droves of dense tubular flowers are lifted above a neat compact rosette on stout straight stalks. With crinkled and round-tipped medium green foliage that stays close to the ground, this perky, nearly evergreen perennial should be granted a front-row seat where its long-blooming act is easily savored.

Blooms June–August

Size: 18" high x 12" wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

Closely resembling Stachys ‘Hummelo’, its larger cousin, this appealing pint-sized version is the perfect solution for a tight spot. The low growing close-knit rosette features wrinkled, scallop-edged shiny dark green leaves that propel countless crowded spikes of vibrant 2-lipped rosy purple flowers all summer long. Beloved by hummingbirds and butterflies, undemanding Dwarf Betony lends color-rich accents along pathways, border edges and steps.

Blooms June–August

Size: 8" – 10" high x 12" – 15" wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

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