Mock Orange
First introduced to Europe along with Lilacs by Ambassador Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq in 1562, this timeless and easy-to-grow hollow-branched shrub was used by the Turks to make pipes. Its Latin name means “brotherly love” and its orange blossom-like fragrance has enhanced teas, perfumes, and almost certainly, many friends’ walks in the garden.
Philadelphus coronarius ‘Aureus’ (S-0128)
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A denizen of southern Europe and Asia Minor, this sublime, upright, medium-sized shrub steals the show as vibrant, oval-shaped gold leaves burst forth in spring. Citrus-scented, 2 in. wide, crisp white flowers bestow additional enticements, while the deciduous leaves adopt refreshing lime-green hues by midsummer. Acquiring a British AGM plus popularity among pollinators and gardener’s alike, ‘Aureus’s bushy glowing habit relishes a sunny abode with moderate water and protection from hot afternoon sun.
Blooms May–June
Size: 5' 0" – 6' 0" high x 4' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
Philadelphus ‘Innocence’ (S-0613)
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We like to inhale the intoxicating orange sweetness given up by these freely borne, pure white blossoms that openly welcome. Gathered at branch tips, the large 4-petaled flowers garnish ovate green leaves randomly splashed and streaked with creamy whites, yellows and golds. A courtly perfumed scene stealer, this 1900s Lemoine Nursery cross between Philadelphus microphyllus and Philadelphus coronarius matures into an imposing shrub with fluid, arching branches.
Blooms June
Size: 8' 0" – 10' 0" high x 8' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.

Its name conjures thoughts of beautiful stars (Belle Etoile). Tinged red at the base of each of the four petals, the white flowers explode like fireworks just when spring-blooming shrubs are finishing their display. In close proximity to an entrance or walkway amid Luzula ‘Auslese’ and Geranium ‘Ingwersen’s Variety’, this artful shrub is deliciously fragrant and unmistakably choice.
Blooms June–August
Size: 6' 0" – 8' 0" high x 6' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
Each $16.50
Collected during Lewis and Clark’s 1806 expedition, this delightful native’s habitat extends from British Columbia to California and east to Idaho and Montana. A bonanza of clustered 4-petaled, 2 in. wide pure white blossoms debuts dense radiant yellow stamens and a fresh fruity citrus scent, enticing bees, butterflies, hummingbirds and gardeners. Cloaked in paired ovate bright green leaves with prominent veins and paler undersides, numerous strong erect arching stems forge a large loosely-branched vase-like silhouette. Lewis’ Mock Orange can be featured by a pathway and as an amenable deciduous specimen in a mixed border, native planting or informal hedge, where it affords yellow fall color, develops flaky gray bark and withstands full sun, partial shade plus periodic dry conditions.
Blooms June–July
Size: 5' 0" – 8' 0" high x 5' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
Philadelphus mexicanus ‘Plena’ (S-0245)
Each $16.50
Of all our selections, this one smells the sweetest. The elegant cream-colored double flowers are bowl-shaped and the green foliage remains glossy and crisp even under stress from heat and sun. Ours grows at the base of an apple tree,constantly tempting us to put aside work for awhile and linger in its scent.
Blooms August–October
Size: 5' 0" – 6' 0" high x 5' 0" – 6' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 9.

If space is a premium in your garden and you’re searching for an ambrosial delight, you may want to try this short-sized, winter-rugged Canadian beauty. Oval-shaped dark green leaves and upright arching stems craft a dense foil for the abundance of exquisite crisp white flowers. With its neat dwarf appearance and fragrant summer blossoms, ‘Snow Dwarf’ can be featured as a container specimen or positioned close to the frontlines.
Blooms May–June
Size: 2' 0" – 3' 0" high x 2' 0" – 3' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.

Gorgeous terminal clusters of double snowy-white blossoms ring in summer, filling the air with zesty citrus aromas. The amazing floral profusion promises a timeless elegance whether it’s gracing ‘Snowbelle’s diminutive deep green foliage, the bouquets of a June wedding or a vase on your table. Small enough for a garden pot or for flanking a pathway, this handsome, low growing Canadian cultivar exhibits a tidy compact profile plus superb heat and cold tolerance.
Blooms May–June
Size: 4' 0" high x 4' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
Philadelphus ‘Starbright’ (S-0764)
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A stellar gathering of newly emerging leaves infused with bronze and purple hues and large single white sterile flowers exquisitely cradled by dark purple calyxes are this hybrid’s distinctive signature. Recently developed at the Memorial University Botanical Garden in Newfoundland by Dr. Wilf Nicholls, ‘Starbright’ inherits Philadelphus delavayi’s classy perfumed blooms and the dogged constitution of Canadian born, Philadelphus lewisii, which withstands drought, deer and cold. Its appealing dense upright frame can be successfully segued into mixed plantings, either massed or as a stand-alone specimen. (pp#18,651)
Blooms June–July
Size: 8' 0" – 9' 0" high x 6' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 3.
Philadelphus x ‘White Rock’ (S-0793)
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Pure white semidouble blossoms create a delightful passage, ushering the last days of spring into summer’s warm embrace. Distinguished by a lovely orange scent, the pearly-hued profusion of large, cut flower-perfect blooms nearly envelopes ‘White Rock’s pleasing rounded habit. Appreciative of bright, somewhat moist, well-drained sites and a trim once the flowers are spent, this Philadelphus beckons us when in bloom, while its deciduous rich green foliage maintains a tailored appearance throughout the season.
Blooms May–June
Size: 4' 0" – 6' 0" high x 5' 0" – 7' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.