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Passion Flower

Hailing from South America, Passifloras entertain dazzling flower parts that attract butterflies and plant lovers, and in the Catholic faith once symbolized Jesus’ last day. These wildly vivacious and floriferous semievergreen climbers appreciate sun, heat and good air circulation as well as cold protection around 18 degrees plus free-draining, somewhat dry sandy soil with moderate fertility. Frequent trimming will encourage branching, while a cool greenhouse or warm masonry wall will ensure their winter survival.


<i>Passiflora</i> ‘Betty Myles Young’


Named for his mother, this Passiflora ‘Clear Sky’ x Passiflora loefgrenii ‘Iporanga’ cross was made by Passiflora aficionado Myles Irvine in 2005. Unleashed against hearty dark green lobed leaves and winding tendrils, astonishing quantities of 30 or 40 slightly reflexed, 3 to 4 in. wide dusky purple flowers appear each day. Maroon and green centers coupled with striking slender pointed filaments, each sporting a smoky blue tip, white halo and a dark midnight blue base embellish the stylish lightly scented blooms. Considered by many to be the foremost garden-worthy Passiflora currently available, ‘Betty Myles Young’ is a robust polyploid hybrid that lends a winsome glossy presence to trellises, protected walls or containers.


Blooms June–October

Size: 10' 0" – 15' 0" high x 0" & spreading wide.

Zone 8b.

<i>Passiflora citrina</i>

Perhaps the only yellow blooming hummingbird pollinated Passiflora in the world, this exquisite freeflowering climber can be relished inside or out. Dozens of bright lemon-colored starry blossoms festoon an easy-to-manage, highly welcome diminutive stature that's draped with small bilobed evergreen leaves. Sauntering around Guatemala and Honduras, where John MacDougal first spotted it in 1989, Passiflora citrina is a stellar contender for containers, sun-basked windowsills, hanging baskets and tight garden spots. Bright light, average moisture, almost any moderately fertile soil and night temperatures exceeding 25° keep the flowers coming. Medium Band.

Blooms April – September

Size: 10' 0" high x 0" & spreading wide.

Hardy to zone 9.

<i>Passiflora</i> x ‘Lavender Lady’

Myriad 4 in. wide violet flowers set against a lush, mighty mantle of twining stems and hardy 3-lobed green leaves make an out-of-this world nearly year-round showing. Garnished with fringe-like inky-purple filaments, green anthers plus white centers, the jewel-box blooms impart a unique glowing translucence that entices butterflies and plant lovers alike. Patrick Worley’s 1982 brainchild, this Passiflora amethystina and Passiflora caerulea cross is known to survive temperatures as low as 15°, making it the go-to choice for northerly gardeners as well as those craving long-lasting purple flower-power.

Blooms June–October

Size: 15' 0" – 18' 0" high x 0" & spreading wide.

Zone 8a.

<i>Passiflora</i> ‘Snow Queen’

Parented by Passiflora caerulea and Passiflora ‘White Wedding’, this award-winning 2011 Myles Irvine introduction is a polyploid hybrid debuting a prolific warm weather gala of luxe pure white flowers amid handsome glossy greenery. Each fragrant, 3 to 4 in. wide blossom remains open for several days and features long, ultrafine pointed filaments, hooked outer petals plus 3 bold purple-spotted stigmas. ‘Snow Queen’s quick-to-establish root system supports a peppy habit with twining tendrils and large, veined, palmately lobed leafage. (pp#29,608)


Blooms June–October

Size: 16' 0" high x 0" & spreading wide.

Zone 8b.

The prized 2002 British outcome of the ‘Star of Bristol’ and ‘Purple Haze’ cross by Englishman Myles Irvine, this moderately vigorous evergreen vine musters untold quantities of stylish, lightly perfumed 5 in. wide blooms. The stellar, long-lasting pure white petals gather around a large corona, each with bright bluish purple filaments and a soft pink center. More cold tolerant than our other Passiflora offerings, easily cultivated ‘Star of Surbiton’ handles full sun and temperatures down to approximately 18°, while enjoying warm mulched abodes, either in the ground or in a favored vessel.

Blooms June–December

Size: 6' 0" – 12' 0" high x 0" & spreading wide.

Zone 8b.

Cherished by butterflies, especially Gulf Fritillaries, this luscious mixta x manicata hybrid pays homage to breeder Pat Worley’s mother. Full-toned magenta blooms with bright yellow anthers grow up to 6 in. wide amongst long hefty stems and enormous, 3-lobed gleaming dark greenery. A robust undemanding vine that needs plenty of space, prismatic ‘Susan Brigham’ relishes moderate water, bright dappled light, rich well-drained soil, as well as shelter from temperatures lower than 30˚.

Blooms June–October

Size: 12' 0" – 15' 0" high x 0" & spreading wide.

Hardy to zone 9.

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