Heptacodium miconioides (S-0344)
Each $18.75

First discovered in China and brought to the West by the famous plant explorer E. H. Wilson, this awe-inspiring deciduous shrub provides unique points of interest no matter what the season. In spring, there is the foliage: large, narrowly heart-shaped, glossy and rich green, donning 3 deep veins. Then there is the exfoliating bark, which peels in thin strips to reveal a cinnamon-brown color. Early autumn brings the showy fragrant floral display, for which the species is named: 6 jasmine-like milky-white blooms held in tiered whorls on branch tips. Late autumn replaces blooms with small rounded purplish fruits surrounded by luxe long-lasting rosy-pink calyces. Excellent as a specimen, Seven-Son Flower thrives in most garden soil types.
Blooms September–October
Size: 10' 0" – 20' 0" high x 16' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.