Each $16.50

Discovered on the lava-strewn slopes of Italy’s Mt. Etna, this fantastic large shrub or small tree hosts sparsely arranged tiny green leaves and round arching slender green stems, creating an airy semitransparent effect. A fragrant sun-struck explosion of copious bright yellow pea-shaped flowers bedazzles its graceful narrow frame, which casts little shade and never overwhelms. Well-suited for lean, yet sharply draining soil, easily grown Genista aetnensis can take intense sun and heat, requires very little water, especially summer irrigation, will not reseed unlike its ill-mannered cousins and imparts untold elegance to a warm sheltered spot.
Blooms July–September.
Size: 12' 0" – 20' 0" high x 12' 0" – 15' 0" wide.
Zone 7/8.