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Heaths have fine, short, needle-like evergreen leaves that vary from deep green to silver, gold, or chartreuse. Tiny urn-shaped flowers sparkle like hoarfrost in shades from white to pink and rosy purple. Though most floriferous in winter and early spring, (and highly welcome at that dreary time!), a scheme for year-round co­l­or can be developed by combining Ericas with Cal­lunas.

Erica carnea ‘Ann Sparkes’ (S-0637)

Each $12.00


A beacon of dazzling color, the low-to-the-ground mat is cloaked in distinctive needlelike foliage set aglow with gilded yellow hues and bronzy red tips. Resulting as a sport from ‘Vivellii’ and named by J. W. Sparkes in 1955 for his sister-in-law, this lambent beauty is further heightened when her carmine-red racemes unfurl, cheering up a drab winter landscape.

Blooms February – March

Size: 6" – 9" high x 12" – 15" wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

<i>Erica carnea</i> ‘Golden Starlet’

This shining starlet guarantees a year-round performance. Bred by Germany’s Kurt Kramer, ‘Golden Starlet’ is favored for its bright golden foliage, snowy white blooms and tidy, low spreading habit. During the summer months, the leaves attain a glowing yellow hue, while cooler weather brings lime-green accents and splendid flowers that last all winter.

Blooms December–March

Size: 6" high x 16" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

Deemed one of the loveliest and most decorative Heaths, this highly touted Erica displays bright rosy red flowers on a tidy, compact mound of Yew green foliage. Be sure to reserve a prominent spot for ‘King George’s abundant blooms, so you can easily relish them during winters’ gray days.

Blooms December–March

Size: 6" – 9" high x 18" – 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

Erica carnea ‘Myretoun Ruby’ (S-0175)

Each $12.00


<i>Erica carnea</i> ‘Myretoun Ruby’

Donning the name of a castle in Wigton, Scotland, ‘Myretoun Ruby’s low-spreading forest-green needles and deep reddish purple blooms achieve a gem-like richness. Perhaps the darkest red flowering carnea in cultivation, this Erica’s saturated blossoms age with bright crimson highlights. Nestle beside Ajuga ‘Chocolate Chip’, and relish the cold weather splendor.

Blooms December–March

Size: 10" – 12" high x 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

Erica carnea ‘Pink Spangles’ (S-0213)

Each $12.00


<i>Erica carnea</i> ‘Pink Spangles’

Distinguished by large two-toned blooms and a robust yet gracious form, ‘Pink Spangles’ paints the winter garden with a truly dynamic floral display. Winsome medium green foliage comprises the superb low spreading ground cover, while myriad lime-colored buds introduce pretty shell-pink sepals and rosier pink petals.


Blooms January–March

Size: 9" – 12" high x 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

<i>Erica carnea</i> ‘Schneekuppe’

The result of some meticulous Erica ‘Snow Queen’ and Erica ‘Springwood White’ hybridizing by legendary plantsman Kurt Kramer, this compact much improved cultivar is near the top of many plant lover’s favorite Erica list. German for snow peak, ‘Schneekuppe’ commands its name when a long lasting avalanche of urn-shaped pure white flowers tumbles over low well-groomed bright green foliage. Tailor-made for tight spots, the rockery or drifts, its hardy easy-care foundation imparts illuminated floral accents during the winter months plus cream-colored new foliar growth as a spring bonus.

Blooms January–March

Size: 6" high x 12" – 15" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

<i>Erica carnea</i> ‘Springwood Pink’

Clear pink flowers engulf the forest-green foliage, followed by vigorous spring growth that sprouts bright bronze. Pair it in a drift with ‘Springwood White’.

Blooms October–January

Size: 10" high x 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

<i>Erica carnea</i> ‘Springwood White’

Delighting gardeners since 1930, this all-time favorite hosts creamy buds and white flowers. ‘Springwood White’ forms a robust fast growing ground cover that handles inland heat and tough conditions. Calluna ‘Martha Herman’ is its best mate.

Blooms October–January

Size: 10" high x 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

<i>Erica carnea</i> ‘Vivelli’

This Heath brings carmine red flowers that cover a low spreading form. Its deep green summer foliage bronzes after the first frost. Match this gem with white varieties.

Blooms October–January

Size: 12" high x 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

<i>Erica cinerea</i> ‘C. D. Eason’

Distinctive for its deep green, fine textured foliage and pleasing appearance, this summer blooming Erica was named in honor of the man who discovered it—Australian born Charles Eason. Very tiny short needles and slender branches make an ideal foil for the freely borne, dense clusters of glowing dark pink flowers.

Blooms June – September

Size: 12" high x 15" – 20" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

<i>Erica cinerea</i> ‘Purple Beauty’

It was a British couple, Mr. and Mrs. Letts, whose keen eyes first noted this summer-flowering beauty in the wilds of Cornwall and later introduced it. Ample-sized, more than abundant and long blooming, the luminous amethyst flowers sparkle like jewels upon the vigorous dark green needle-like foliage that defines ‘Purple Beauty’s exquisite, low bushy form.

Blooms June–October

Size: 12" high x 22" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

Erica x darleyensis ‘Furzey’ (S-0018)

Each $12.00


<i>Erica</i> x <i>darleyensis</i> ‘Furzey’

Introduced by Englishman John Letts, ‘Furzey’s saturated flower color is unparalleled among Ericas. The profusion of deep magenta blooms decorate a fine-needled forest-green clump that grows in a winsome spreading manner.

Blooms October–January

Size: 12" high x 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

Erica x darleyensis ‘Kramer’s Red’ (S-0564)

Each $12.00


<i>Erica</i> x <i>darleyensis</i> ‘Kramer’s Red’

Named for Kurt Kramer of Germany, this ornate Heath’s plushly colored flowers outclass most other Erica cultivars. Stiff branches hold dark green foliage, enhanced in winter by bronze highlights and closely set chartreuse buds that open into cerise-magenta blooms.

Blooms November–January

Size: 15" high x 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

<i>Erica</i> x <i>darleyensis</i> ‘Margaret Porter’

We have Ireland’s James W. Porter to thank for this attractive low spreading Erica. Light-colored buds precede dainty deep lilac urns, studding ‘Margaret Porter’s attractive mid-green needles, which burnish bronzy hues during the winter months.

Blooms January–May

Size: 10" high x 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

<i>Erica</i> x <i>darleyensis</i> ‘Mary Helen’

Discovered as a chance seedling at the British nursery, Holden Clough, and named for the owners’ daughter, this outstanding well-formed cultivar is distinguished by erect racemes of dainty rose-pink blooms and lucent short-needled golden-yellow leaves that brandish warm bronze shades during the colder months. The x darleyensis hybrids combine ironclad constitutions with innate good looks, conquering variable moisture levels plus an array of soil types far better than most Ericas, and spirited ‘Mary Helen’ is a fetching example. Highly effective when massed, her stylish countenance lends colorful year-round allure to a stone wall, Heather garden or mixed border.

Blooms February–April

Size: 10" high x 18" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

This lambent Erica ‘W. T. Rackliff’ sport was introduced by nursery owner John Letts in 1964. Sprinkled with urn-shaped pure white blooms, ‘Golden Lady’ develops a shapely low mound of fine textured needle-like foliage, colored in light yellow, gold, chartreuse and green hues that persist throughout the year.

Blooms January–April

Size: 10" – 18" high x 10" – 18" wide.

Hardy to zone 7.

<i>Erica erigena</i> ‘W. T. Rackliff’

The pristine white flowers stand out against the deep green foliage, yet we favor this Heath for its form, which clumps to an almost spherical mound.

Blooms October–January

Size: 18" high x 18" wide.

Hardy to zone 7.

<i>Erica vagans</i> ‘Mrs. D. F. Maxwell’

Applauded throughout the world as one of the most cherished Heaths, this Erica’s deep cherry red blooms have as much charm as the story behind them. Mrs. Maxwell’s discerning eye first spotted its robust good-looking form while on her honeymoon in Cornwall, England and promptly sent home cuttings! Elevated above a low, deep green bush, the long upright racemes of cylindrically arranged, irresistible blooms open from the bottom up and when spent, persist through the winter burnished in russet brown hues.

Blooms July–September

Size: 18" – 2' 0" high x 2' 0" – 2-1/2' wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

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