The closest relatives of this striking genus are the bleeding hearts. The Greek name, meaning “crested lark,” alludes to the elegant bird-like appearance of the flowers, which grow in racemes among ferny foliage.

Drink in the multitudes of pendulous, white-flecked flowers adorning this sweetly perfumed and richly hued, quick-to-establish Corydalis. The blooms really are the color of blackberry wine, and set against fern-like blue-green leaves, impart a heady aspect to the garden, especially when contrasted with the golden blades of Hakonechloa ‘All Gold’.
Blooms May–November
Size: 10" high x 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
Exalted for its taller, more robust and long-flowering visage, this exciting new Corydalis flexuosa and Corydalis elata cross was bred in France and recently introduced in England. Embodying the best qualities of both parents, ‘Blue Line’s vigorous finely cut foundation maintains a reliable summer presence, highlighting a honey-scented flood of white-throated, deep metallic-blue blossoms on tall reddish-tinted stems. The eye-catching flowers keep coming from spring ’til fall and create quite a show alongside Begonia ‘Alba’ and flanked by bold-leafed Rodgersia ‘Braunlaub’.
Blooms May–September
Size: 15" high x 15" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.

Keenly selected on a collecting trip to Sichuan, China by Dan Hinkley, ‘Blue Heron’ heralds the largest, darkest, richly blue blooms of all our Corydalis offerings. Finely divided blue-green foliage becomes a gossamer-like backdrop for the fragrant sapphire-blue flowers, whose extraordinary cool colors can be enjoyed near fellow shade dweller Epimedium ‘Frohnleiten’.
Blooms April–June
Size: 9" high x 12" wide.
Hardy to zone 6.

Long after other Corydalis have gone dormant for the summer, ‘Blue Panda’ will brighten your garden with vibrant, electric blue blooms above a tidy mound of filigree textured foliage. Tuck it under the upright, vigorous stems of Euphorbia x robbiae and the white flowering Viburnum ‘Chiquita’ for a striking vignette.
Blooms May–November.
Size: 10" high x 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
Corydalis flexuosa ‘Pere David’ (P-0450)
Each $11.75
Corydalis flexuosa ‘Porcelain Blue’ (P-2073)
Each $11.75

We have Hillier Nursery, a venerated UK mainstay, to thank for this valiant, repeat blooming Corydalis. Selected from a group of flexuosa seedlings, it hosts dazzling, large tubular flowers saturated with vibrant frosty-blue shades atop distinctive, fine-hewn, blue-green foliage that dons bronze tones. ‘Porcelain Blue’ provides additional enticements: the somewhat loosely arranged, easy-care clump doesn’t undergo a summer dormancy, plus its show-stopping sweet smelling racemes appear in spring and again in late summer, enchanting bees, hummingbirds and plant connoisseurs alike.
Blooms April–June & September
Size: 12" high x 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.

With an intriguing royal purple hue infusing each leaf, this low clumping species is the earliest blooming Corydalis we offer, bearing smoky periwinkle-blue flowers throughout the winter in our garden. The lovely leaf color holds best in partial shade.
Blooms November–May.
Size: 10" high x 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.

Native to rocky woods and naturalized upon old walls in Europe, this is one of the most beautiful foil plants for a shady garden. The lacy bluish green foliage and creamy-white flowers, enhanced by green lips and yellow throats, add a delicate touch to crevices or steps. For more splendor, we combine this almost year-round bloomer with Campanula ‘Blue Waterfall’ and Brunnera ‘Hadspen Cream’.
Blooms June–October
Size: 18" high x 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.