Each $27.75

Uncommon in cultivation and considered by many to be the foremost American flowering tree, this southeastern U.S. denizen fashions a graceful broad rounded crown of delicate low-sweeping limbs that create dense shade. The dramatic framework becomes a dignified focal point with smooth pewter-colored bark and prominent flat brown seed pods on sinewy luminous branches. Delightfully fragrant, pendulous, long creamy-white Wisteria-like panicles luxuriate against pinnately compound, rich green foliage defined by 7 to 9 deciduous leaflets, donning silky gray hairs when young and bright butter-yellow hues in autumn. Pest free and drought tolerant, practically indestructible Yellow Wood detests wet feet, favors well-drained loam, yields a yellow dye and supports beneficial nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Grows moderately Large Band.
Blooms May–June
Size: 30' 0" – 45' 0" high x 40' 0" – 45' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.