From the ruins of Europe and the chalky cliffs of Dover to your garden’s refuge, this age-old Mediterranean perennial is second-to-none for long, showy summertime bloom. Clothed with glaucous and paired, stemless blue-green leaves that Sicilians once savored in their salads, the handsome bushy clump entices us with minute, fragrant deep carmine-red florets densely arranged in domed, cut-flower-perfect terminal clusters. Whether it’s situated on slopes, stone walls, terrace cracks or borders, the boldly colored Red Valerian can endure most conditions except damp shade, and especially thrives in alkaline soil with little or moderate moisture. A good pruning ensures a repeat bloom, maintains a pleasing shape and prevents self-seeding.
Blooms June–October
Size: 2' 0" – 3' 0" high x 2' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.