Sweetshrub, Spice Bush
Calycanthus ‘Aphrodite’ (S-0893)
Each $22.50

The fruity fragrance of ‘Aphrodite’s magnificent, 4 in. wide, Magnolia-style deep red blooms will lure you to her side. Distinguished by lambent golden-yellow fall colors, the lustrous dark green foliage cloaks a compact multi-stemmed habit, while the bark, leaves and seed pods all waft an enticing spicy scent when crushed. Second-to-none for cut arrangements, this floriferous beauty can be massed along woodland peripheries and house foundations, or staged as a long-blooming specimen near a patio, walkway or favored bench. Easygoing Calycanthus braves deer, dappled shade and variable soil types, including clay. Good drainage plus adequately moist, humus-enriched alcoves which are protected from cold, drying winds keep her satisfied. (PP#24,014)
Blooms May–July
Size: 5' 0" – 8' 0" high x 5' 0" – 7' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.

The crown jewel of Dr. Tom Rainey’s breeding efforts at North Carolina State University, this undeniably beautiful hybrid is a complex one, involving Calycanthus chinensis, Calycanthus floridus and Calycanthus occidentalis. Spreading branches draped in large, lustrous dark green deciduous leaves, which flash golden-yellow hues for fall, shape a medium-sized foundation. Distinguished by a central infusion of yellow and purple markings plus a divine spicy fragrance, evoking strawberries and melons, the exquisite, 4 in. wide Magnolia-like ivory blooms unfurl from big creamy-yellow buds primarily in the spring, and then sporadically throughout the growing season. ‘Venus’ can pose amongst other shrubs or serve as a beckoning sentinel near your front door; well-drained soil and ample light will ensure her vitality. (pp#15,925)
Blooms May–July
Size: 5' 0" – 6' 0" high x 5' 0" – 6' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.