Hailing from South Africa’s Cape Province, this Asphodeline relative grows during the winter and is summer dormant. A bright green lustrous clump of channeled and grassy deciduous foliage celebrates long blooming, perfect-for-cutting, sunny yellow flowers. Described by numerous starlike florets, opening from the bottom up on erect cone-shaped racemes, the unfurled blossoms skirt beneath tight green buds and look a bit like ballerinas in frilly tutus alighting slender curving stems.
Most dramatic when planted en masse with Geranium harveyi and Euphorbia myrsinites, Bulbinella nutans is superb for naturalizing in a sunny, well drained, low-maintenance border where it can be kept dry during the summer, at which time its old leaves can be pulled off.
Blooms February–March
Size: 2' 0" – 3' 0" high x 2' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 8.