Lamb's Ear
The genus Stachys is like one of those families where every member is exceptional for something different—one bold, another soft, the next strong or perfectly smart—and they all get along with just about everybody. Diverse, sturdy, dependable, calling them mere ground covers is an understatement. Indispensable is more accurate.
Stachys byzantina ‘Helen von Stein’ (P-0136)
Each 10.50

As soft as velvet, supple as suede, this Stachys has leaves so much like lamb’s ears they could twitch at flies! The palest silver, its foliage is broad (2-½ in. wide) with a finely serrated margin, and is a delight with Allium christophii.
Blooms July–September.
Size: 8" high x 3' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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