Michelia ‘Inspiration’ (S-0779)
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Exquisitely sculpted and lavishly fragrant, the large creamy white flowers of this southern Chinese, Magnolia- related beauty, promise to inspire. Unfurling from furry, milk chocolate-colored buds that form in the leaf axils, rounded blooms host overlapping petals and bold sun-kissed stamens amid lustrous leathery dark green leaves cloaked with velvet-soft brown hairs on the flipsides. Named after Pietro Micheli, a 17th century Italian botanist, densely set Michelia 'Inspiration' is vertically oriented and shorter than the species, thus perfectly sized for a more intimate setting, especially near sheltered patios or pathways. Adequate mulch and slightly acidic, moisture retentive soil maintains its alluring grandeur. (PPAF)
Blooms April – June.
Size: 8' 0" – 10' 0" high x 4' 0" – 5' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 8.
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