Buttercup Winter Hazel

Winter Hazel
These deciduous natives of Japan and China offer winter charm with their open structure, delicate branching patterns and fragrant pale yellow bells that populate pendent clusters in early spring. Like rows of tiny lanterns, the flowers dress up bare limbs before handsome, rounded hazelnut-like leaves appear. Corylopsis are outstanding when grouped as a backdrop for perennials and grasses, planted in drifts at the edge of a wooded area, or placed under the partial shade of a pine or maple canopy. Provide a sheltered location, decent drainage, acid soil and moderate summer water.

This choice refined shrub will enhance a woodland garden with the scent and sight of soft yellow blooms on pendulous 3 in. racemes. The close-set bristle-toothed leaves, which cloak gently arching branches, are smaller than others in the genus. Long-lasting as a cut flower, Buttercup Winter Hazel is irresistible, especially when early blue-flowering Brunners are planted below.
Blooms March–April
Size: 5' 0" high x 8' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 6.
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