California Fuchsia (PWWG01S)

California Fuchsia

David Salman’s first and favorite Zauschneria introduction, this vigorous low-growing ground cover celebrates prismatic, long-lasting blooms that mesmerize bees, hummingbirds and plant-lovers alike. Dazzling droves of trumpet-shaped orange-red flowers festoon tailored, slim bright green leaves plus trailing stems arising from slow-spreading rhizomes. One of the most cold-hardy California Fuchsias available, American-born ‘Orange Carpet’ is a resilient perennial for vitalizing slopes, rockeries, garden walls or container rims, where it endures deer, dry conditions and poor rocky soil, but never wet poorly-drained sites.
Blooms July–September
Size: 6" high x 15" – 20" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
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