Native to China and Japan, this spectacular genus will grow in ordinary garden soil, but give it a rich moist home along a pond, stream or marshy area and it will thrive. Rodgersias are fine structural specimens characterized by fleshy brownish black rhizomes, which remain visible through winter. The numerous unpetaled flowers, colored by intriguing creamy-salmon sepals and stamens, are borne on large panicles, and when in bud look almost like miniature cauliflowers. And, be warned! The textured, dark green leaves can spread to a foot across, so be sure to provide these plants with plenty of space.
Rodgersia pinnata ‘Chocolate Wings’ (P-2128)
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‘Chocolate Wings’s grace note is the dynamic varying hues that saturate its thick king-size foliage. First emerging in rich purplish chocolate tones, then morphing from green to bronze, the heavily veined 5-parted leaves offer a rubescent fall finale and later welcome winter with warm brown shades. This walloping Marco van Noort introduction volunteers additional springtime enticements: petite dark pink flowers carried on tall arching stems. (PPAF)
Blooms Junemid August
Size: 2' 0" – 3-1/2' high x 2' 0" – 3' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
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