
Bold, metallic and architectural, this stunning new Astelia chathamica and Astelia nervosa cross was masterminded by Tim and Hamish Prebble. The arching evergreen clump hosts strap-like, silver-frosted gray-green leaves that develop pointed tips plus lustrous pewter overlays on both surfaces. Guaranteed to be a flashy show-stealer, ‘Silver Shadow’ can be lodged in containers or mixed borders with perennials like Salvia nemorosa ‘Wesuwe’, Eryngium ‘Big Blue’ and Perovskia ‘Blue Steel’. Adequate moisture and good drainage as well as shelter from scorching sun and temperatures below 25° ensure its success. (pp#22,195)
Size: 2' 0" – 3' 0" high x 3' 0" – 4' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 8.
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