Blossom of Snow Edelweiss

Leontopodium alpinum ‘Berghman’ (P-2064)
Each 11.00

A protected species in its wild southern European haunts, this compelling new alpine cultivar hosts summer-long droves of large star-shaped pure white flowers that promise a repeat autumn showing. Ideal for fresh or dried arrangements, the unique yellowish-centered blooms plus decorative woolly white bracts perch on long stems above slender felted pewter-green leaves. Craving sun, low humidity, sharp drainage, cool summer locales, and somewhat gritty soil, ‘Berghman’s compact slow-spreading mound makes a fulgent addition to steps, trough gardens, raised beds or the rockery. (PPAF)
Blooms June–September
Size: 12" – 16" high x 18" – 2' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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