Globe Thistle
Bees and butterflies adore Echinops. They are so undemanding that you will too. Equally fabulous in the garden or in a vase as a fresh or dried cut flower, their impressive profile brings intriguing definition to surrounding softer forms. Thriving in well-drained soil, even if it’s poor or sandy, the Globe Thistle is a sensational perennial worth making room for.
Echinops bannaticus ‘Taplow Blue’ (P-1931)
Each 13.00

Listed in Jeff Cox’s Perennial All-Stars as one of 150 top perennial performers, ‘Taplow Blue’ attracts gardeners, bees and butterflies alike. Branched, leafy pewter-hued stems gracefully curve upwards, attired in handsome, deeply cut thistle-like grey-green leaves with niveous backsides. Surmounting strong stems for several months, the powdery steel-blue spherical heads make an extraordinary presentation, especially when massed or positioned alongside softer looking flowers such as Solidago ‘Fireworks’ and Aster ‘Bridal Veil’.
Blooms July–September
Size: 4' 0" – 5' 0" high x 20" – 2' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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