Crimson Fans

Mukdenia rossii ‘Karasuba’ (P-1662)
Each 12.50

Sauntering along the rocky slopes and ravines of Korea, China and Manchuria, this hardy Heuchera relative crafts an easily grown compact ground cover that’s bold, lustrous and well-mannered. Spring brings branched panicles of dainty, bell-shaped white flowers on tall, bare slender stems. Come summer, the large, rounded Maple-like green leaves acquire bronzy-maroon tinges near their tips. Cool autumn weather sparks intense crimson-red hues that gradually move inward, eventually transforming the entire deciduous leaf into a blaze of glory. ‘Karasuba’ spreads by slowly creeping rhizomes, prospers in rich moist soil and appreciates ample shade during hot humid summers.
Blooms April–May
Size: 12" – 16" high x 2' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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