
Flourishing in moist, humus-rich niches, Podophyllum’s vigorous fleshy rhizomes form a substantial colony. Every part of Podophyllum is toxic except the ripened “apples,” although recent studies indicate the entire plant contains promising medicinal properties including anticancer and other healing compounds.
Each 12.25

Found throughout most of eastern North America and southern Texas, this captivating rhizomatous woodland perennial propels pleated, spiral-wrapped leaves up through the soil and heralds spring. With a long central stalk attached to its flip side, the polished, deeply divided green foliage is palmately lobed and spans over 12 in. across, dramatically unfurling in an umbrella-like fashion. A lone, winsome waxy white blossom, defined by six to nine overlapping rounded petals plus prominent yellow stamens, dangles underneath the leaf axil on a short slim pedicle. The extraordinary show continues as edible, round egg-size green fruit turn golden. Appreciative of moist, humus-rich niches, Podophyllum peltatum′s slow-spreading fleshy roots eventually form a robust colony that imparts unparalleled lushness to woodlands and shady borders, yet retreats into summer dormancy and should not be consumed.
Blooms April
Size: 12" – 18" high x 12" – 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 3.
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