Foam Flower

Foam Flower
This easy-to-grow, clump-forming evergreen is one of the finest spring flowering woodland perennials.

Tiarellas are one of the finest spring-blooming perennials, and ‘Pink Skyrocket’, a Terra Nova introduction, is one of the best pink-flowering cultivars in the genus. Dissected Maple-like leaves, engraved with dark chocolate central blotches, shape a lush green mound. “Skyrocketing” on tall sturdy stems, large, perfect-for-cutting spires are studded with round rosy buds and frothy star-shaped pink and white flowers. En masse, as an understory or along the border, this easy-to-grow, clump-forming evergreen looks lovely beneath Viburnum, Enkianthus and Sambucus. (pp#13,382)
Blooms March–May
Size: 12" high x 12" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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