Horned Poppy


From the sandy dunes of England and the Mediterranean, the Horned Poppy delivers an enticing blue-green rosette. Unusual elongated linear seed pods evoke its common name and add intrigue to the deeply cut, wavy-edged, fuzzy leaves. Painting an ardent contrast, burnt orange, poppy-like blooms with delicate gleaming petals and central tufts of peach-colored stamens are borne singularly on long branching stems.
A lover of lean and dry, well drained soil especially in winter, this “triennial” or perennial is well suited for a natural-looking garden with other seaside inhabitants like Erigeron glaucus ‘Ron’s Pink’ or Euphorbia myrsinites.
Blooms May–August.
Size: 18" high x 18" wide.
Zone 5/6.
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